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Calgary acupuncture and dry needling just in time for Chinook season 

Migraine pounding away at your skull this week? Brentwood Physio might do the trick.

It’s that time of the year again, Calgary, winter’s not even officially here yet, and the sight of a Chinook arch looming over the city on your commute is enough to make your palms sweat and induce that inevitable migraine many Calgarians suffer from.

The pain from a migraine is already unbearable to most who’ve had one, and probably the last thought on Calgary migraine sufferers’ minds is treating their condition with long needles being inserted into pressure points on their body. 

Hear us out, Calgary, give acupuncture and dry needling a try

Acupuncture and dry needling are forms of integrative medicine in which thin needles are inserted through the skin on targeted locations, stimulating key nerves, muscles, and connective tissue to alleviate pain. Needle size, and depth of insertion of said needles vary depending on the treatment you’re aiming for. 

Regular acupuncture can benefit long-term migraine sufferers immensely according to a 2016 study by the Cochrane library involving 4985 patients which found that people suffering from migraines six days per month on average could cut their time suffering down to three and a half days after starting true acupuncture treatment. Calgary acupuncture patients could potentially benefit immensely from acupuncture and dry needling treatment from Calgary acupuncture specialists.

Your friendly neighbourhood Brentwood Physio is here to help

Acupuncture cactus

At Brentwood Physiotherapy Clinic we have a team of skilled physiotherapists and acupuncture specialists with years of experience at the ready to help prospective Calgary acupuncture patients achieve a better quality of life through pain relief. 

At Brentwood Physio, our Calgary acupuncture specialists can incorporate acupuncture and dry needling as an optional therapeutic tool in other forms of physiotherapy, or as a stand alone service. Not only can we help to treat and manage migraines through acupuncture, Calgary acupuncture patients at Brentwood Physio can also be treated for lower back, neck and shoulder pain, anxiety and depression, respiratory disorders such as sinusitis, sleep and digestive disorders, Bell’s Palsy, and hormonal imbalances.

Go easy on the Advil extra strength and that year-old bag of frozen peas this winter, reach out to us for the best physiotherapy and acupuncture Calgary has to offer from Calgary acupuncture specialists. 


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